Our Services

Empowering Progress Through Innovative Solutions

Data analysis

SMCS PSI specializes in comprehensive data analysis services, harnessing cutting-edge techniques to extract valuable insights from complex datasets. Our expert team employs advanced statistical methods and powerful analytical tools to drive informed decision-making and optimize business strategies. Trust SMCS PSI for precise, actionable data solutions tailored to your needs.


SMCS PSI provides cutting-edge computational solutions tailored to meet diverse needs. Our expertise encompasses advanced algorithms, numerical simulations, data analytics, and optimization techniques. We empower businesses with efficient computational tools, enabling them to streamline operations, enhance decision-making processes, and achieve unparalleled success in their respective domains.

Bioinformatics Analysis

Our team of experts is highly skilled in handling Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) datasets.Our comprehensive bioinformatics analysis encompasses whole-genome and exome sequencing, ChIP-seq, Hi-C and transcriptome analysis. Learn more page should redirect to NGS page only for this..

Ideas with high impact factor

Are you a researcher struggling to navigate the complex journey from research ideas to published paper? Our comprehensive academic publishing team streamlines the entire process, guiding you seamlessly from conceptualization to final publication. With our expert team in generating high impact factor ideas, validating using various machine learning methods which later can be reproduced easily and efficiently with laboratory experiments. Overall, through ideas and machine learning models we guide your research to create an high impact, which would propel your research to new heights.